Foot and Ankle Injuries

Learn more about our capabilities to treat these injuries.

Quick Facts on Foot and Ankle Injuries

  • The ankle works with the foot allowing each movement to perform correctly but when one part becomes damaged, it affects the entire functionality.
  • 80% of the population will suffer some kind of foot issue since our feet are under continuous strain.
  • Common foot and ankle injuries include plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, ankle sprains, and twisted ankles.
  • Treatment for foot and ankle injuries varies and each case is looked at by our orthopedic surgeons or physicians who also oversee on-site Physical Therapy, if needed.

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What makes up the complex foot and ankle anatomy?

The ankle joint acts like a hinge. But, it’s much more than a simple hinge joint. The ankle is made up of several important structures. The unique design of the ankle makes it a very stable joint. This joint has to be stable to withstand 1.5 times your body weight when you walk and up to eight times your body weight when you run.

Normal ankle function is needed to walk with a smooth and nearly effortless gait. The muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the ankle joint work together to propel the body. Conditions that disturb the normal way the ankle works can make it difficult to do your activities without pain or problems.

Our feet are constantly under stress. It’s no wonder that 80 percent of us will have some sort of problem with our feet at some time or another, such as ankle sprains, twisted ankles, rolled ankles, sprained feet, and more. Many things affect the condition of our feet: activity level, occupation, other health conditions, and perhaps most importantly, shoes. Many of the problems that arise in the foot are directly related to shoes, so it is very important to choose shoes that are good for your feet.

Sprained Ankle Treatment

What are the typical types of foot and ankle injuries?

Plantar fasciitis is an irritation of the plantar fascia. It supports the foot’s natural arch and stretches mildly whenever the foot bears weight. It becomes irritated when it sustains repetitive stress or excessive tension.

Heel spurs often develop as a result of chronic plantar fasciitis. They occur when calcium deposits form where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone. Heel spurs may or may not cause pain.

The ankle joint is supported by nearby tendons. The large Achilles tendon is the most important tendon for walking, running, and jumping. It attaches the calf muscles to the calcaneus (heel bone) and allows us to raise on our toes.

Ankle sprains and high ankle sprains occur when one or more ligaments are stretched or torn during sports, stepping on an uneven surface or a blow to the ankle.

Rolled ankle, sprained foot, Achilles heel pain, and other ailments of the system may require treatment.

The anatomy of both the foot and ankle is very complex. When everything works together, they function correctly. When one part becomes damaged, it can affect every other part of the ankle and foot, leading to problems.

How are foot and ankle sprains and injuries treated?

Treatment of heel spurs will be determined by our physicians and may include rest, application of ice, anti-inflammatory medication, strengthening exercise, and surgery. Sprained ankle treatment and other joint injuries will also be determined by your physician and may include rest, application of ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, and physical therapy. Heel lifts can diminish stress on the Achilles tendon and are often helpful. Occasionally, immobilization in a walking boot or cast is recommended. Ruptures are treated either with surgery, a cast, or both.

Acute ankle sprains should be treated with RICE – rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Early rehabilitation with home exercise or formal physical therapy can improve range of motion and speed healing.

Twisted Ankle Doctor
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